Thursday, March 1, 2018

Round Two of Healthy Living

Okay, folks.  Here I am for round two.  I fell off the healthy eating wagon HARD a while back.  It started with a trip to Texas followed by a cruise and that was pretty much the end of me.  Now, I'm the same hot mess I was BEFORE all that.  Sigh.  Well, that's not ENTIRELY true.  Caffeine is still not a part of my daily diet.  At least not in it's most obvious form:  I'm still primarily soda free.  YAY!  But, I'm heavier than I've ever been - pregnancies included (yikes) and my body has all KINDS of aches and pains.  Not to mention I have a vaca with the rugrats in VT this summer that will involve bathing suits.  As it stands, I'm dreading that idea so I figure that's as good a reason as any to get my butt back in gear.  I'm no longer a beach body coach (though I do still love the work outs) but I'm aiming for the same plan I had before:  More water.  (My skin would love me for that.) cleanER eating, work out 5 days a week.  I need to get my house in order for that last one (and I don't have beachbody on demand anymore which makes me wanna cry) but I will get there.  I think I wanna give the Fitness Marshall on Youtube a go.  I love him.  lol. Anyways, I hope that if I keep writing I might keep my motivation for this flowing and STAY ON THE FREAKIN WAGON.  Wish me luck and determination!