Hello there! I'm taking a stab at this whole blogging thing. This is sorta new for me. I have a "blog" facebook page that I've been using which makes things nice and easy for me - just posting away. But, I figured I would give this a go. I'm an at home mom of 5 and have been at home for just about 12 years now. My guys are 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. Although, 9 and 11 will be 10 and 12 in december. Anywas, I've been home for a good long time and, while I've LOVED being home with them and do hope to be able to continue being home for all those dr appts, sick kiddies, field trips etc etc etc (plus, nights are just so darn busy with dance for 2, karate, boy scouts and girl scouts that I need days to be a bit more quite...) I'm ready for a break. lol. My little guy is in preschool now which has freed up a bit more time to focus on all the things I want to focus on. Me. Just me. WhatEVER I want. lol. Anyways, I'm a beach body coach and I have a little knitting store (though it's currently filled with things I've crocheted which it new for me) I'm a little bit geeky, a little bit weird, I can think like a 12 year old boy sometimes and I get VERY excited over very small things. lol. I have NO idea what this blog is going to be about so bare with me while I figure it all out. :)
Nice to meet you!
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